• Ice cream

    Vanilla is the essence of elegance and refinement. Madagascar vanilla in combination with ice-cream creates a sweet delight.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream

    The ideal taste of chocolate ice cream is achieved by means of using the highest quality cocoa from France.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream

    Ice-cream in combination with ground coffee beans and chocolate sponge cake form an extraordinary delight, traditional Italian dessert Tiramisu.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream

    Ice-cream with caramel is smooth  and creamy melting in the mouth.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream

    Pistachios with their exotic taste combined with ice-cream, form an exclusive dessert.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream
    Mint ice-cream with chocolate drops

    Ice-cream enriched with natural mint and chocolate drops, which offers a surprising taste with each spoon.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream

    A charming ice-cream, which reminds you of summer flavor, based on natural strawberry puree selected from all over Europe.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream
    Yogurt with strawberry topping

    Delicious ice-cream with yogurt cream and strawberry topping.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream
    Yogurt ice cream with forest fruits topping

    This delicious mix of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, redcurrant, blackcurrant selected from all over Europe forms a refreshing ice-cream.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream

    Creamy ice-cream mixed with blackcurrant.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream

    Raspberry is a spicy “mademoiselle” who arrives specially from France to make Sandra raspberry ice cream unforgettable.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream
    Banana ice-cream & chocolate

    The contrasting taste of dark chocolate and sweet bananas from Ecuador forms a unique and refreshing ice-cream.

    2500 ml.
  • Ice cream

    Ice-cream with coconut reminds you of the holiday.


    2500 ml.
  • Sorbet
    Passion Fruit

    Exotic taste of the passion fruit specially delivered from Peru forms a sorbet with a unique flavor.

    2500 ml.
  • Sorbet

    Tropical and juicy mango purée creates a refreshing sorbet ice-cream.

    2500 ml.
  • Sorbet

    A charming ice-cream, which reminds you of summer flavor, based on natural strawberry puree.

    2500 ml.
  • Sorbet
    Forest Fruits

    Delicious mix of mashed raspberries, blueberries and strawberries forms a refreshing sorbet.


    2500 ml.
  • Sorbet

    Delicate and refreshing taste of lemon purée creates a cool ice-cream treat.


    2500 ml.
  • Sorbet

    Blackcurrant puree mixed carefully to create a fine sorbet, with an intense flavor.

    2500 ml.
  • Sorbet

    A fine sorbet with the intense flavour of natural raspberries puree.

    2500 ml.